When the golden state warriors began casting their spell on the mavs howard was the only one who wasn ' t buying 当勇士队把魔咒撒向牛群的时候,霍华德是唯一一个不吃这套的小牛。
The concept of beating the spurs ( 17 - 4 ) brightened somewhat after the golden state warriors dropped them tuesday , 96 - 84 周二勇士96比84击败马刺,这让湖人打败马刺的想法更有可能了。
The lakers will be back on the court today and saturday in preparation for sunday ' s home game against the golden state warriors 湖人今天将重新回到球场,周六为周日的主场对金州勇士队做准备。
They threw on throwback jerseys from the 1987 - 88 season and then tossed aside the golden state warriors , 123 - 113 , sunday at staples center 这天在斯塔普斯中心,湖人穿上87 - 88赛季的复古球衣,并战胜了金州勇士。
The lakers ' opponent ? the golden state warriors ? will wear throwback jerseys of their own for their home games on friday and tuesday 而湖人的对手? ?金州勇士,也将在周五和周二他们的主场比赛穿上他们的复古球衣。
So , he and the lakers ' athletic training staff decided it was best that he not play sunday night against the golden state warriors 所以为了安全起见,他自己和湖人的训练师认为在和勇士的比赛中不出场是最好的选择。
In 16 seasons as an nba head coach , adelman has amassed 752 wins to 481 losses in his time with the portland trail blazers , golden state warriors , and sacramento kings 阿德尔曼在nba执教16个赛季,先后效力于开拓者、勇士和国王,总共揽下752胜481负的战绩。
Davis connected on a 3 - pointer with four - tenths of a second left to help the golden state warriors post a 110 - 107 overtime triumph over the seattle supersonics 戴维斯在加时赛还有一秒钟的时候投入了10中4的三分球中的一个,帮助金州勇士在加时赛里以110 - 107战胜了西雅图超音速。